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** \brief  I2S RX FIFO callback function


void I2sRxIrqCallback(void)


    uint8_t u8i,rxlen;

      uint32_t data;


    rxlen = I2sl_GetFifoCount(&I2slCh,I2slFifo2); 



            data = I2sl_ReadRxFifo(&I2slCh);

//            if(rxindex < 1024)

//              rxbuffer[rxindex++] = data;


            if(data != 0)


//            if(rxindex >= 1024)

            if(rxindex >= 60000)


          bPlaySoundActive = FALSE;

          I2sl_DisableClockOut(&I2slCh); // Disable I2S Clock out

          I2sl_DisableIrq(&I2slCh, I2slRxFifoIrq); // Disable TX FIFO interrupt   






**\brief  I2S_mic_Start


** set the wm8731 register and the I2SL0 register. Start the microphone function.


void I2S_mic_Start()


    stc_i2sl_config_t stcI2slConfig;

    stc_wm8731_reg_t  stcWm8731Reg;

      stc_i2sl_irq_cb_t stcI2sIrqCb;

    // Clear strcutures



    // Initialize I2S IO, I2C IO



    // Initialize interrupts

    stcI2sIrqCb.pfnTxFifoIrqCb = I2sTxIrqCallback;

      stcI2sIrqCb.pfnRxFifoIrqCb = I2sRxIrqCallback;


    // Initialize I2S-Lite

    stcI2slConfig.enClkIn = I2slUsePclk;            // Use PCLK as I2SCK source clock

    stcI2slConfig.u8ClkInDiv = I2SL_CLK_DIV;        // I2SMCK = 40/(2*2) = 10MHz, I2SCLK = 10MHz/4 = 2.5MHz

//    stcI2slConfig.bClkOutputEn = TRUE;              // Disable I2SMCLK output

      stcI2slConfig.bClkOutputEn = FALSE;              // Disable I2SMCLK output

    stcI2slConfig.enTransferMode = I2slPhilipsMode; // Philips standard mode

//    stcI2slConfig.bDataOutput = TRUE;               /////< FALSE: data is received via I2S-Lite, TRUE: data is transferred via I2S-Lite

    stcI2slConfig.bDataOutput = FALSE;               /////< FALSE: data is received via I2S-Lite, TRUE: data is transferred via I2S-Lite

    stcI2slConfig.bCkWsOutputEn = TRUE;             // I2SCK, I2SWS outpue enable

    stcI2slConfig.bI2sWsPolarity = FALSE;           // WS low level for left channel

    stcI2slConfig.bMaskBitOutput = 0;               // Mask bit set to 1 for invalid frame

    stcI2slConfig.enFrameLength = I2slFrame32Bit;   // I2slFrame32Bit;   // 32-bit data frame, I2SCLK = 11.25MHz/4 = 2.812MHz

    stcI2slConfig.enFifoWidth = I2slFifoWidth32Bit; // 32-bit FIFO access width

    stcI2slConfig.enFifoSel = I2slTxFifo1RxFifo2;   // FIFO1: TX, FIFO2: RX

    stcI2slConfig.u8ByteCount1 = 0;                 // Clear FIFO count

//    stcI2slConfig.u8ByteCount2 = 0;                 // Clear FIFO count

        stcI2slConfig.u8ByteCount2 = 16;                // Transfer data count for FIFO2

    stcI2slConfig.pstcI2slIrqCb = &stcI2sIrqCb;     // Set interrupt callback

    stcI2slConfig.bTouchNvic  = TRUE;               // Enable NVIC   

    // Initialize codec

    // Reset register

    stcWm8731Reg.RESET = 0x00u;                     // Reset WM8731

                                                    // Left & right line input

    stcWm8731Reg.LLIN_f.LINVOL = 0x1Fu;             // Left channel line input volume: 0dB

    stcWm8731Reg.LLIN_f.LINMUTE = 1u;               // Enable left channel line input mute

    stcWm8731Reg.LLIN_f.LRINBOTH = 0u;              // Disable simultaneous input volume and mute load from left to right

    stcWm8731Reg.RLIN_f.RINVOL = 0x1Fu;             // Right channel line input volume 0dB

    stcWm8731Reg.RLIN_f.RINMUTE = 1u;               // Enable right channel line input mute

    stcWm8731Reg.RLIN_f.RINBOTH = 0u;               // Disable simultaneous input volume and mute load from right to left

                                                    // Left & right headphone output

    stcWm8731Reg.LHOUT_f.LHPVOL = 0x1F;             // Set volume of left headphone to 0dB. 0x30(-73dB) ~ 0x7F(+6dB), 0 ~ 0x2F: mute

    stcWm8731Reg.LHOUT_f.LZCEN = 0u;                // Disable left channel zero cross detect

    stcWm8731Reg.LHOUT_f.LRHPBOTH = 0u;             // Disable simultaneous output volume and mute load from left to right

    stcWm8731Reg.RHOUT_f.RHPVOL = 0x1F;             // Set volume of right headphone to 0dB. 0x30(-73dB) ~ 0x7F(+6dB), 0 ~ 0x2F: mute

    stcWm8731Reg.RHOUT_f.RZCEN = 0u;                // Enable right channel zero cross detect

    stcWm8731Reg.RHOUT_f.RLHPBOTH = 0u;             // Disable simultaneous output volume and mute load from right to left

                                                    // Analog audio path control

    stcWm8731Reg.AAPC_f.MICBOOST = 1u;              // Enable boost

    stcWm8731Reg.AAPC_f.MUTEMIC = 0u;               // Enable mute to ADC

    stcWm8731Reg.AAPC_f.INSEL = 1u;                 // microphone input select to ADC

//    stcWm8731Reg.AAPC_f.INSEL = 0u;                 // linein input select to ADC

    stcWm8731Reg.AAPC_f.BYPASS = 0u;                // Disable bypass

    stcWm8731Reg.AAPC_f.DACSEL = 1u;                // Select DAC

    stcWm8731Reg.AAPC_f.SIDETONE = 1u;              // Enable side tone

    stcWm8731Reg.AAPC_f.SIDEATT = 0u;               // 0: -6dB, 1: -12dB, 2: -9dB, 3: -15dB.

                                                    // Digital audio path control

    stcWm8731Reg.DAPC_f.ADCHPD = 0u;                // Enable high pass filter

    stcWm8731Reg.DAPC_f.DEEMP = 3u;                 // De-emphasis contrl. 0: disable, 1: 32kHz, 2: 44.1kHz, 3: 48kHz

    stcWm8731Reg.DAPC_f.DACMU = 0u;                 // Disable soft mute

    stcWm8731Reg.DAPC_f.HPOR = 0u;                  // Clear offset when high pass

                                                    // Power down control

    stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.LINEINPD = 0u;               // Disable line input power down

    stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.MICPD = 0u;                  // Disable microphone input power down

//    stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.MICPD = 1u;                  // Disable microphone input power down

    stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.ADCPD = 0u;                  // Disable ADC power down

    stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.DACPD = 0u;                  // Disable DAC power down

//        stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.DACPD = 1u;                  // Disable DAC power down

    stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.OUTPD = 0u;                  // Disable output power down

    stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.OSCPD = 0u;                  // Disable oscillator power down

    stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.CLKOUTPD = 0u;               // Disable CLKOUT power down

    stcWm8731Reg.PDC_f.POWEROFF = 0u;               // Disable power off mode

                                                    // Digital audio interface format

    stcWm8731Reg.DAIF_f.FORMAT = 1u;                // 0: MSB-First, right justified, 1: MSB-first, left justified, 2: I2S-format, 3: DSP mode

    stcWm8731Reg.DAIF_f.IWL = 0u;                   // 0: 16 bits, 1: 20 bits, 2: 24 bits, 3: 32 bits

    stcWm8731Reg.DAIF_f.LRP = 0u;                   // 1: right channel DAC data when DACLRC (WS) is high,  0: right channel DAC data when DACLRC (WS) is low

    stcWm8731Reg.DAIF_f.LRSWAP = 0u;                // 1: swap left channel and right channel, 0: don't swap

    stcWm8731Reg.DAIF_f.MS = 0u;                    // 1: Enable master mode, 0: Enable slave mode

    stcWm8731Reg.DAIF_f.BCLKINV = 0u;               // Don't invert BCLK

                                                    // Sampling control

    stcWm8731Reg.SC_f.NORMAL_USB = 0u;              // 0: normal mode, 1: USB mode

    stcWm8731Reg.SC_f.BOSR = 0u;                    // Nomrmal mode: 0: 256fs, 1: 384fs

                                                    // USB mode: 0: 250fs, 1:272fs

    stcWm8731Reg.SC_f.SR = 0u;                      // Sample rate setting

    stcWm8731Reg.SC_f.CLKDIV2 = 0u;                 // 0: core clock is MCLK, 1: core clock is MCLK divided by 2

    stcWm8731Reg.SC_f.CLKODIV2 = 0u;                // 0: output clock is core clock, 1: core clock is core clock/2

                                                    // Active control

    stcWm8731Reg.AC_f.ACTIVE = 1u;                  // 0: inactive, 1: active

    if (Ok != Wm8731_Init(I2cCh,&stcWm8731Reg))     // Initialize WM8731 via I2C


        while(1);                       //If initialization of the WM8731 CODEC fails, trap execution here.


    Wm8731_SetHpVolume(0x7F,0x7F);              //0x2F-MUTE ~ 0x7F Maximum

    I2sl_Init(&I2slCh, &stcI2slConfig);         //initializes an I2S module

    I2sl_Start(&I2slCh);                        // start I2S, enable i2s clock generate

        pu16SoundData = &au16PixieDustSoundI2s[0];

        bPlaySoundActive = TRUE;

        rxindex = 0;

        rxvldcnt = 0;

        I2sl_EnableClockOut(&I2slCh); // Enable I2S Clock out

        I2sl_EnableIrq(&I2slCh, I2slTxFifoIrq); // Enable TX FIFO interrupt

        I2sl_EnableIrq(&I2slCh, I2slRxFifoIrq); // Enable RX FIFO interrupt   


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500 replies posted 250 solutions authored 250 replies posted

I2sRxIrqCallback每次都可以正常触发?触发后rxlen = I2sl_GetFifoCount(&I2slCh,I2slFifo2)得到的数值是多少?具体读取的data数值是全0?

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I2sRxIrqCallback每次都可以正常触发,出发后触发后rxlen = I2sl_GetFifoCount(&I2slCh,I2slFifo2)得到的数值是16,读取的data数据都是0

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