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A few days ago, I saw a question about how to use WDT reset.

How can I set WDT to reset directly? PSoC 4100S (CY8C4125AXI-S433)

Then I wrote a sample just trigger WDT interrupt and/or Software Reset,

but I failed to Implement feeding the dog.

So in this example I tried to provide a simple sample which does

(0) Report the reason of the previous reset

(1) Software Reset

(2) WDT Timeout Reset

and to make it easier to realize, I let the LED blink a few times

when program got started (or restarted).


How can I set WDT to reset directly? PSoC 4100S (CY8C4125AXI-S433)

その時は、とりあえず WDT リセットを発生するか、

Software Reset を発生するサンプルを書いてみましたが、

そもそも正常な WDT のクリアは実装していませんでした。


(0) 起動時、直前のリセット原因を(わかる範囲で) 表示する

(1) Software Reset を発生させる

(2) WDT Reset を発生させる


起動時(又は再起動時) に数回 LED を点滅させてみました。

The schematic


Pin for TSoC


Pin for CY8CKIT-149




#include "project.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#include "string.h"

#define STR_LEN 32

#define RX_BUF_LEN 128

#define SPACE ' '

#define TAB '\t'

#define CR  '\r'

#define LF  '\n'

volatile char rx_buf[RX_BUF_LEN] ;

volatile int  rx_write_index = 0 ;

int           rx_read_index = 0 ;

char          str[STR_LEN+1] ; /* print buffer */

int           str_index = 0 ;

int           wdt_feed_flag = 1 ;

inline int is_delimiter(uint8_t c) ;

int        get_str(void) ;

void       str2upper(char str[]) ;

void       init_hardware(void) ;

void       splash(void) ;

void       prompt(void) ;

void       blink_led(void) ;

void       print(char *str) ;

CY_ISR_PROTO(usr_isr) ;

void help(void)


    print("=== reset test command ===\n") ;

    print("sw   : cause software reset\n") ;

    print("wdt  : cause watch dog reset (wait a few seconds)\n") ;

    print("help : print this message\n") ;

    print("==========================\n") ;



void print_reset_cause(void)


    // uint32_t value ;

    // value = CY_SYS_RES_CAUSE_REG ;

    print("Reason of previous reset: ") ;

    if (CY_SYS_RESET_WDT ==  CySysGetResetReason(CY_SYS_RESET_WDT)) {

        print("Watch Dog Timeout") ;

    } else if (CY_SYS_RESET_PROTFAULT == CySysGetResetReason(CY_SYS_RESET_PROTFAULT)) {

        print("Protection Violation") ;

    } else if (CY_SYS_RESET_SW == CySysGetResetReason(CY_SYS_RESET_SW)) {

        print("Software") ;

    } else {

        print("Unknown") ;


    print("\n") ;


void disable_wdt(void)




void enable_wdt(void)




void feed_wdt(void)




void init_hardware(void)


    disable_wdt() ;


    UART_SpiUartClearRxBuffer() ;

    UART_SpiUartClearTxBuffer() ;

    UART_ClearRxInterruptSource(UART_GetRxInterruptSource()) ;

    uart_rx_int_ClearPending() ;

    uart_rx_int_StartEx(usr_isr) ;

    UART_Start() ;

    CyGlobalIntEnable; /* Enable global interrupts. */   


void do_command(char *cmd)


    str2upper(cmd) ;

    if (strcmp(cmd, "WDT") == 0) {

        // enable_wdt() ;

        wdt_feed_flag = 0 ;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "SW") == 0) {

        CySoftwareReset() ;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "HELP") == 0) {

        help() ;

    } else {

        print("Unknown command: ") ;

        print(cmd) ;

        print("\n") ;

        help() ;



int main(void)


    init_hardware() ;


    splash() ;   

    print_reset_cause() ;

    help() ;

    blink_led() ;

    enable_wdt() ;


    prompt() ;

    for(;;) {

        if (get_str() > 0) {

            do_command(str) ;

            prompt() ;


        if (wdt_feed_flag) {

            feed_wdt() ;




inline int is_delimiter(uint8_t c)


    int result = 0 ;

    switch(c) {

    case CR:

    case LF:

    case TAB:

    case SPACE:

        result = c ;

        break ;


    return( result ) ;


int get_str(void)


    int result = 0 ;

    if (rx_read_index != rx_write_index) {

        if (is_delimiter(rx_buf[rx_read_index])) {

            if (str_index > 0) {

                str[str_index] = 0 ;

                str_index = 0 ;

                result = 1 ;


        } else {

            str[str_index++] = rx_buf[rx_read_index] ;

            if (str_index >= STR_LEN) {

                str[STR_LEN] = 0 ;

                str_index = 0 ;

                result = -1 ;



        rx_read_index = (rx_read_index + 1) % RX_BUF_LEN ;


    return( result ) ;




    UART_ClearRxInterruptSource(UART_INTR_RX_NOT_EMPTY) ;

    if (UART_SpiUartGetRxBufferSize()) {

        rx_buf[rx_write_index] = UART_UartGetByte() ;

        rx_write_index = (rx_write_index + 1) % RX_BUF_LEN ;     



void print(char *str)


    UART_UartPutString(str) ;


void splash(void)


    sprintf(str, "\nWDT Test (%s %s)\n", __DATE__, __TIME__) ;

    print(str) ;


void blink_led(void)


    int i ;

    for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) {

        LED_Write(!LED_Read()) ;

        CyDelay(100) ;



void prompt(void)


    print("> ") ;


void str2upper(char str[])


    int i ;

    for (i = 0 ; str ; i++ ) {

        if (('a' <= str)&&(str <= 'z')) {

            str -= ('a' - 'A') ;




/* [] END OF FILE */


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